Privacy Policy

We are an professional in our market and we know very well about privacy of the customers. We never share your personal data with any service except it is required.

We reserve the right to modify and update our policies at any time without any notification.

Courier Services:

As we use reliable and recognized courier services such as DHL, FedEx and SkyNet to ship the product and there is some details which is required to ship the parcel we use such as Name, Email, Physical Address and Contact Number.

Payment Service:

We never store your financial data, instead we redirect you to the payment service provider online website such as Paypal.

Our Staff:

DesireJackets staff respond queries of every customer, our staff’s authorized activity is to manage the database and account to improve shopping experience. Our Customer Support use data such as:  

Communication via social network or chat

Update order status

Product Details

Quality Improvement

Legal Matter:

We never share your sales activity and information to anyone but we only share upon request and inquiry from Government Officials for legal purpose.


We promote our website by such different advertisement on third party website but we never ask you for your confidential data via third party website and we have no control over those advertisement.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL):

We use SSL when you submit data it is encrypted using SSL protection.